„ boot beanie” – the boot Düsseldorf raffle
1. Raffle „ boot beanie”
1.1 The
„ boot beanie” raffle is being executed by Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany.
1.2 The raffle will be held in the period from 23.11.2023 – 20.12.2023 (11.59 p.m.).
1.3 Participation is voluntary and free of charge. Participants must only bear the costs involved in participation via the internet (i.e., the costs for using an internet connection). Participation and the chance to win do not depend on any purchase of goods or use of services.
1.4 Participation is to be undertaken using the raffle entry form on the www.boot.club website. By taking part in the raffle, the participant accepts these terms and conditions for participation.
2. Participation/Process
2.1 You can participate by filling in the raffle entry form on the www.boot.club website. You will also need to register as a boot.club member beforehand on the www.boot.club website.
2.2 The raffle will be held for boot.club members only. Any individual over 18 years of age who is a boot.club member and who has filled out the raffle entry form on the www.boot.club website will be eligible to enter. Employees of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH may not participate in this contest.
2.3 To enter the raffle, a participant must complete the entry form on the website www.boot.club and answer the asked question correctly using the entry form.
2.4 Participants may submit as many entries as they wish. However, a participant may only win a total of one prize and may only be drawn once.
2.5 Participation via a prize draw service, an automated mass participation process by a third party, via agents or via other commercial providers is not permitted.
2.6 Participation may only occur through one account. If it is suspected that a participant is partaking in the prize draw using several different accounts, the competition organizer reserves the right to proceed as detailed in Clause 2.7.
2.7 If these terms and conditions for participation are violated, the competition organizer reserves the right to exclude the participant from the prize competition. If necessary, in such cases, prizes may be retroactively withdrawn and reclaimed.
2.8 By participating in the raffle, entrants declare that they consent to their name being published on the www.boot.club website or in the boot.club newsletter if they are amongst the winners.
3. Determination of the winner
3.1 The winners will be determined at random from among all the participants who answered the question right on December 20th, 2023. All participants will only be entered once in the prize draw.
3.2 The winners will be drawn by employees of the organizer and contacted by e-mail.
4. Prize
4.1 Three winners will receive a boot beanie.
4.2 The event organizer reserves the right to distribute more prizes in order to encourage more people to take part.
4.3 The value of the prize may not be paid in cash, nor may any potential substitute for the prize be awarded. The right to the prize is non-transferable.
5. Data protection / Consent to the use of personal data
5.1 The granting of consent in return for the opportunity to participate in the competition is made in the knowledge of the participant that his photo may reveal information about his ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or ideological beliefs or health (e.g. skin color, headgear, glasses). His/her consent also refers to this information. The participant acknowledges that information on the internet are accessible worldwide, can be found using search engines and can be linked to other information, from which personality profiles about him or her can be created under certain circumstances. The participant is aware that information placed on the internet, including photos, can be copied and distributed without difficulty, and that there are specialized archiving services whose goal is to permanently document the state of certain websites at certain dates. This may result in information published on the internet continuing to be found elsewhere even after it has been deleted from the original site.
5.2 The granting of consent in return for the opportunity to participate in the competition is also made in the knowledge of the participant that photos and / or videos in which he can be recognized may also be published in social media (such as Facebook or Instagram) together with his first name. The participant is aware that, according to the currently known information, photos, videos and other data in social media can no longer be deleted at all, but only no longer shown publicly. There is currently insufficient information about the internal use of photos, videos and other data by social media operators - for example to create personality profiles. Social media are generally operated by US providers. It is clear to the participant that personal data relating to him or her may be transferred to a third country, i.e., a country outside the European Union and the European Economic Area or a country that does not offer an adequate level of data protection. If the data is transferred to the US, for example, there is a risk that my data may be processed by US authorities for control and monitoring purposes without me possibly having any legal remedies.
6. Limitation of liability 6.1 All notifications and information issued by the competition organizer, specifically those which involve the publication of winners’ names, etc., shall occur without liability being assumed for the information or notifications.
6.2 If claims involving the prize received are made by the winner, these are, as far as is legally permissible, to be addressed directly to the manufacturer/retailer, supplier, travel agent or other service provider. If claims to this effect arise with the competition organizer, these claims shall be transferred to the relevant winner.
6.3 The competition organizer is not liable, more specifically, for damages which may arise when partaking in this activity which are caused by error, delay or interruption in transmission, from faults or deletion of data, viruses or other means, unless such damages have been effected deliberately or are due to gross negligence on the part of the competition organizer. Liability on account of culpable injury to life, body or health remains unaffected
7. Other Items
7.1 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. Place of jurisdiction is Düsseldorf.
7.2 The competition organizer may alter, suspend or end the prize competition at any time, inasmuch as this is necessary due to circumstances that the competition organizer cannot influence or if the activity cannot otherwise be executed in line with requirements.
The right to appeal is excluded.
Version: 23.11.2023